one blog at a time..

Posted May 12th, 2009 in South Africa by Frérieke

interview with FRE: HERE

Bridging the digital divide one blogpost at a time….

Posted May 12th, 2009 in Technology & Innovation by Frerieke

Day 133_ day of fame

By Frerieke van Bree

Those are the words of Laurie, a reporter for, South Africa’s biggest news site. She interviewed me about the Students for humanity project. It is great, a little exposure for the Khayelitsha kids… I keep on saying: my goal is to make those students famous. Famous, and leaders to their community, role models to others. Thanks for the interview Laurie . I think I’ll adapt your words, I like them.

Find the interview online here

2010 is around the corner. Will the soccer worldcup really make a substantial difference in the lives of South African people? Will the country’s economy grow? How does the country prepare for this big event? is South Africa on track? How do you prepare? The COSAT learners (underprivileged students in Township Khayelitsha) have found a way to help you prepare in a great way…


one blogpost at the time…one podcast in a week…one Xhosa (local African language) lesson for you…and a new topic every week! Fun!