Posted March 11th, 2008 in South Africa by Frérieke
What’s happening?

Ok sorry, sorry for the long silence

Lots of you have made complains about some missing stories here online..

What has been happening the past 2.5 months?

They were great!

Peter and I had a great time together. After the kick in his but, the beetle that was rented and the open attitude towards this new place and culture, Peter enjoyed South Africa and we enjoyed spending time together! We worked a lot, we traveled to beautiful places: Drakensberg with Christmas and Krugerpark in Feb, we got to know each other in an amazing and very special way. Having lots of fun, good conversations, special moments….and then unfortunately…Peter had to leave again. 3 weeks ago now. What’s next? We’re both flying high in the sky, following our heart and passions, busy with the projects we have started. We are completely honest and open…what else can we do? Yep: having big dreams! And yep in those dreams I see us together…This whole life is about making dreams come true…so when the time is right we’ll make sure this ocean between us is reduced to two bodies, connected, holding hands..

Today it is exactly 6 months ago that I walked out of that plane in Vancouver and experienced a breathtaking moment: meeting my partner-in-crime (the crime of love). These 6 months have been a real learning curve for both of us. The impact that we both had on each others life is of a huge value. Thank you Peter for being you!

Besides having Peter here with me I met my current partner: Anasuya. We have merged our organizations Umeebee and Let love lead together to Love to The World.

It is an incredible experience to work together with this amazing American black lady and to be strong together to inspire, empower and serve people here in Africa living in underpriviledged communities. If you haven’t seen it yet: please take a look at our website: http://www.lovetotheworld.org/

I am only working freelance at the architectural office now (evening hours) in order to really dedicate my time on working on Love to the World. It is a tough time, because Anasuya and I do not have any funding yet for the activities we’re doing, but we know we have to do them.

Please consider to make a small donation (10 dollar? 5 dollar? any dollar helps!) and help us in this struggle! find our donation details here: http://lovetotheworld.org/donate

Thanks! Fre

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