The great people of Afrigadget (I am a contributor to this site and responsible for mentoring the newest South African youth to become contributors as well) are co-organizing the first event celebrating the innovators and inventors in Africa this August at Maker Faire Africa ( – it’s a 3 day event bringing together artists, inventors and all manner of ingenious people in Accra, Ghana.
That was the first grassroots reporter contribution of the South African COSAT students. Keep on checking out their own website:
Wouldn’t it be great to get those COSAT learners to Ghana??? hmmm…. donations welcome…
The NCDO (= Dutch Government sponsored funder – wants to support the Students project here in Africa with 16.580 Euro!
Our fund application receives more and more positive responses…
Besides the NCDO, also The Dutch organization KICI ( has donated 5.000 Euro. The Dutch ‘Stichting Projecten Zuid-Afrika’ has required more information and will get back to us the end of April.
There is one big ‘BUT’….NCDO will only sponsor the 16.580 Euro when we are able to match it!
Our 16.580 euro is partly covered by the 5.000 Euro from KICI and 1.000 Euro from our great friends Rolf & Klaar (Dutch). We have to raise another 10.580 Euro…YES that is a lot! AND…nothing is impossible…
What are we raising money for? Materials and training: Leadership training to teach students (14-18 years) to know how great they are and what a difference they can make for their own community. The students get trained to use modern technologies (digital camera’s, mobile phones, laptops) to source stories in their communities and publish them online on the website in order to connect with students and donors overseas.
Read below the testimonial of Rolf, one of our donors…
Last February 2009, we (Klaar and myself) were invited by Frerieke to visit the COSAT school in Khayelitsha.
We were impressed by the spirit and motivation of not only the students but the staff as well! This visit made us see that despite the difficulties and harsh conditions in the townships, there are so many inspired people that want to make a difference!
We are more then happy to give some financial support to an initiative that helps to make this change for the better! Compared to the big organizations, they might not have the fancy brochures, big fundraising campaigns and large projects, but what they do comes right from the heart and maybe they even have more passion and devotion since they are in direct touch with the people!
After all, we are all more or less the same when we are born. But some (like us) are lucky to have a protected childhood and get an education, allowing them to get a job, house and a comfortable life. This while others face problems from day one. That difference does not make sense at all.
For us an amount of money not spent on a new surfboard, television or a vacation, but after all these things would not really make a difference in our lives. But it might just be the money that allows someone else to experience and learn things that might make the difference in his life!
– making a book with all their produced material in 2008 (slide shows a preview into the book)
– teaching the students more leadership skills
– teaching blogging, video editing, mobile reporting
– help the students start their own site: students4humanity and make a difference in their community
What for?
To raise money and awareness to allow those bright minds to individually thrive in life, in University, in their community and on a global scale!
Students are the voice of tomorrow. Youngsters are the spring of the nation! kids are the leaders of the next generation!
The COSAT learners are the most amazing and inspiring individuals I met in my life! I have learned a lot about myself via them, and still do.
Youth empowerment in the Townships of South Africa is needed. Poverty is a daily issue. Role models are needed! Guest teachers wanted!
Connections wanted! Resources welcome! Donations lovely!
Those students want to learn, they want to make a difference, they want to lead by serving others, they want to set the example in the new South Africa, be part of transformation in Africa! All they need is opportunities and Eye-openers to see the opportunities. Those students are the change you want to see in the world!
The work the students have done in the ‘art and leadership’ classes in 2008 is amazing: photographs, artworks and essays to show you what matters to them. Those 15 year old individuals have each found their mission in life. Let them inspire you to stay true to your own mission! Help me get this book published! Help me get their site online! Help me get the message out there, really…help me get those students and this school (the only school in South Africa with IT as a matric subject, with such an amazing free education!) be famous! Be creative in your cooperation!
help me with this list:
– a publish house for the 200 pages visual book
– a WordPress MU guru, willing to set up the students4humanity with buddypress and mobilepress applications
– designers (for the book, the site, marketing material)
– user-interface designer (for the site)
– prepaid cards (to let the students be online on their mobile phone)
– Mobile phones
– IT teachers (anybody into mobile applications? those students do not have computers at home!)
– role models (black intellectuals… we want your motivational talk!)
– a fast internet connection at the school
– bloggers/online media guru’s/marketing consultants we want some courses!
– a schoolbus and a driver!
Hey you international community, all you clever entrepreneurs, policy makers, …the world is your playground. Make sure everybody is having fun! That includes the ones that are not part of your conversation, innovation, partnerships, the moment. Be bold. 2009 is waiting for you..